Thursday, 25 January 2007


I accidently bought a spare engine! My finger just slipped and i clicked the "commit to bid" button...ooops! I guess now I'll have to accidently buy a set of files and get Phil to point me in the right direction.
I'd really like to get the maximum power allowed by the series regulations, so now we have something to play with between races! you think your Mrs will mind if I move into your workshop?

lovely job

A very good sight to see the shock in my hands.

Myself, Phil, Steve and Darren all met up last night to size up the shock and work out what else was needed. So Steve made tea, I got in the way a lot and Phil and Darren did all the work, lovely! Looking like the unit will do the job nicely although i get a feeling it will need a different spring but that's not a problem.So with smiles all round and hope in the air that this isn't all just a waste of time, we agreed Saturday was best to do the job.

Nice one Boys!!

Thanks to Steve and Sarah Jordan for getting the shock so quickly for us.
I wonder how long it'll look that shiny for!

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Square eyes !

My eyes are going square through staring at the pages of e-bay, the postman is doing overtime and I must have contributed more in co2 output through all these deliveries, than a whole life time of track activities.
It is kind of nice spending loads of dosh on bike parts with the knowledge I'm gonna be finally racing, but, I'd rather be playing in the shed at the moment....maybe I'll be eating my words soon when I'm working every hour to get the bike ready in time!
Jordans m/c have made my week with a phone call telling me, the shock should be here later this week.Darren Nash of Nash fabrications, here on the Isle of Wight, is going to be on hand to sort the subframe out and the mounting of the shock. There a few small jobs for Darren while he is at it, but once he has done his bit it will open the flood gates for us to get the bike ready in time for Mallory on the 18th of feb.
The seriously long line of deliveries has started and i get the feeling I'm going to be running to the collection yard on a daily basis for the next 2 weeks! Phew!
At least we'll have plenty of boxes etc. to use for our FZ unwanted parts sell off.
Meanwhile I have set about sorting out our Transit van. It's nearing the later portion of it's life so there are loads of jobs to get done.Besides the mechanical side of things which I'd rather pay someone else to do, I am building a new interior and buying a big awning in an attempt to be a bit more organised and comfortable in the evenings.I watched Phil suffer from a few bad nights sleep in the back of the big old bus last season and I'm sure he doesn't want a repeat of all that. I know I don't!

While my van is off the road having all the brakes done (not by me....big grin!), I am using my Yamaha XJR1300 to get to work...glad it's not raining at the moment.
Once the van is done, the XJBUS, as she is affectionately known by us all, is up FOR SALE.
It's with great reluctance, but I can't have all the cake i guess, and I really dislike riding on public roads since i started riding on the track. Here's a pic of her last summer. She needs a darn good clean at the moment and a new set of pads (which are still in their boxes!) and then she'll be sweet again.